Faith Lutheran Sanctuary Addition

Faith Lutheran

Faith Lutheran Sanctuary Addition

Faith Lutheran Church has been worshipping in their school gymnasium for over twenty years—hoping, praying, and fundraising to construct a sanctuary addition. When the time was right, Sinclair Hille was selected to lead the design, in part due to our team’s deep understanding and appreciation of the church’s history and forms of worship, as well as our reputation for exceptional project execution. 

Sinclair Hille partnered with church leaders, committees, and the congregation to establish goals and preferences for the project, then to dig deeper into the details. After the completion of schematic design, we aided in the search for a Construction Manager. Beckenhauer Construction, Inc. was selected and performed regular cost estimates. Through the estimating process, we worked collaboratively with Faith and Beckenhauer to tailor the designs—focusing on retaining the key program elements while meeting the budget. 

The sanctuary will seat over 300 worshippers and is designed to be bright, airy, and uplifting, with visual focus drawn to the cross. Richard Wiegmann-designed stained glass windows add color and theologically rich imagery. Faith has an active art community, so we incorporated motorized lifts for art installations at the front and along the center aisle. 

The addition also includes a narthex, coffee bar, conference room, nursery, sacristy, and 24/7 prayer chapel. Dedication will be October 13, 2024.


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The Concordia University Team has always worked through the design process with Sinclair Hille’s leadership and come away feeling like our project priorities were understood. Setting overall project goals in the initial design meeting with Sinclair Hille has proven to be a key to our success.

Dave Kumm

CFO, Concordia University