Welcome to our new Architectural Student Summer Intern, Sarah Maher

Welcome to our new Architectural Student Summer Intern, Sarah Maher

May 22, 2024

Let's give a warm welcome to our new Architectural Student Summer Intern, Sarah Maher!

Sarah is entering her fourth year as an undergraduate Architectural Student at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, where she is also minoring in Community Regional Planning. Originally from Cary, IL, Sarah honed her speaking skills through active participation in Speech and Debate during high school.

On campus, she is a dedicated member of the Tri Delta sorority and serves on the Executive Board of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) as the Mentorship Director. Sarah is excited about her internship at Sinclair Hille, looking forward to experiencing the personal side of architecture. She shares, “In school, we learn more about the design and systemic aspects of architecture. I am excited to engage one-on-one with clients and be on-site.”
Sarah's favorite part of architecture is the ability to provide solutions to problems through design and iteration. Her passion and enthusiasm for the field are evident, and we are thrilled to have her join our team.

Welcome Sarah, we are delighted to have you on board!