SHA’s Danielle Prochnow, Architectural Associate, Graduates from Leadership Lincoln
SHA’s Danielle Prochnow, Architectural Associate, Graduates from Leadership Lincoln
Sinclair Hille Architect’s (SHA) celebrates Danielle Prochnow, Architectural Associate, as a Leadership Lincoln Fellows 38 graduate. SHA couldn’t be more proud of Danielle, her exceptional skills, and all that she has accomplished.
Founded in 1985, Leadership Lincoln has been instrumental in creating a community of knowledgeable individuals dedicated to shaping the future of Lincoln. As stated on their website, Leadership Lincoln aims to identify individuals “who believe in their community, want to see the community work for all its citizens, and are willing to step forward and serve.” Danielle embarked on the Leadership Lincoln journey in September and successfully completed the program in May.
Danielle values her experience with the program because it took her outside of her comfort zone and gave her valuable insight into the Lincoln community. Not being native to Lincoln, her perspective on the city was transformed. Among the various Lincoln programs she was exposed to through the program, Danielle found “Human Services Day” to be the most impactful. The day involved an “eye-opening” simulation on poverty to help understand the challenges faced by those in financial hardship and how our community can help alleviate those hardships. Danielle states, “I will forever be grateful for the knowledge and relationships that I gained on my journey with Leadership Lincoln. And I am thankful to everyone at Sinclair Hille for allowing me this opportunity and their encouragement throughout the course of the program as well.”
Danielle has a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Southern California (USC) and is LEED certified. She has an impressive 18 years of experience in architecture including four with Sinclair Hille Architects. SHA is so excited to have such a talented member on the team and in Lincoln’s community! Congratulations Danielle!